Winter 4-Week Study Groups
Wednesdays, January 29 – February 19
Supper begins at 6pm. Prayer and Study Groups begin at 6:30pm.

Starting Wednesday, January 29 after our covered dish supper at 6pm, we’ll begin a short series of 4-week study groups. Whether you’ve been at UBC for years or are just finding out about us, these groups are a great way to get to know one another, learn about UBC, and grow in your faith at the same time. We have three groups gathering this winter. Here’s more about each group:

The Book of James with Jason Coker

James is often put into conversation with other New Testament writings in conversations that surround the ideas of works versus faith. James if often also regarded as a foil to Paul. Jason Coker, Coordinator of CBF Mississippi and Director of Together for Hope, will join us each Wednesday night for these four weeks to look at the book of James together. Jason is a scholar of the book of James and has written a wonderful book about it called James in Postcolonial Perspective. You’ll want to get his book in e-read or print. You can do so by clicking on the book title above. If you’d like to sign up for this group, register here.

Immerse in the Messiah with Kat Kimmel

In this scripture “book club” we will read through the New Testament together for a big picture view with Kat Kimmel, one of our pastors at UBC. Each week we will have a reading plan to follow individually, then come together as a group for honest, communal conversation. Using the Immerse Bible special reader’s edition, we will read through scripture without the clunky chapter and verse numbers, columns, and headings, approaching the story afresh. Immerse: Messiah is available in e-read and paperback by clicking on the book title above. If you’d like to sign up for this group, register here.

For the first gathering, here’s the reading schedule:

Luke: Day 1 pp. A9-6 | Day 2 pp. 6-12 | Day 3 pp. 13-19 | Day 4 pp. 19-27 | Day 5 pp. 28-32

Tai Chi Chih: Contemplative Movement with Helen Netherton

We don’t always think of movement as a spiritual practice, but it certainly can be. Over these four weeks, Helen will walk us through some basic movements that we can learn to move through as a way of teaching our minds and our bodies in contemplative, spiritual practice. The movements are easy on the body and individuals of all ages and abilities should be able to participate. If you’d like to sign up for this group, register here.