Like many of you, we’ve been looking forward to gathering for in-person worship at UBC since we set our August 9 goal date. We’ve been in constant conversation with the church leadership, including our re-opening committee (Lawrence LaBeaud, Sherry Laughlin, Lisa Martin, Kelly Taylor, and Garlinda Walls) as we plan. We’ve begun making some alterations to Kelley Hall in order to make it a more worshipful space for us. Yet, COVID-19 continues to spread, our healthcare system continues to feel the pressure, and many have expressed hesitation about returning to gathering in person. While we’d love to begin gathering for worship again on August 9, we’ve decided to push back our return to in-person worship indefinitely while allowing for small group gatherings to resume instead.

Here’s a look into our thought process:

Our responses to Sunday morning YouTube worship have been remarkably good. We’ve come as close as we can to recreating the in-person worship experience online. In coming back together many of the elements we love most about worship would have to be limited or suspended for sometime.

What many of you seem to be missing most is fellowship. The church who knows and prays for each other, who tells stories, listens and laughs together as we walk this road of faith.

This made us wonder: is there a better way to begin coming back together than large group worship? Coming back in smaller groups first will allow us to do the work of re-connecting, praying together, creating together, discovery, and maybe even exercising together!

What does this mean?

Sunday school classes will have the opportunity to meet in large, clean-able rooms. Small groups that meet throughout the week (Crafters, Prayer groups, exercise classes, etc.) can do the same. In addition, we’re working on new options for Bible studies, book studies, prayer and connection groups. Nothing is set in stone and we’ll continue to be in conversation with you and our church leadership about the best ways forward for our congregation.

We know many of you are longing for a chance to gather once again. We are too, and we want to do so in ways that keep everyone safe and healthy while also being true our values of being inclusive, inquisitive, and community-minded. This means we will have a strict schedule for classes and guidelines for cleaning. We know that some of you are not ready to come back, and that’s okay too. Groups can still meet by Zoom or use a hybrid model. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. As more details become clear about dates, times, and process, we’ll be sure to keep you informed.

As always, you belong.
Kat and Brett