UBC Family,

It seems so strange to be writing this note on a sunny, 70 degree day, but this is our reality for the time being. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to check on our congregation and offer to assist anyone in need during this time. If you find yourself in need of some help, please know you’ve got a community of folks standing at the ready to shop, deliver, and otherwise help us all get through this strange time.

Thank you also for your understanding and for your willingness to support the health of our community by, well, not gathering in community this week. We should say “gathering publicly.”


We will be gathering for worship online tomorrow morning at 11am. That’s a sentence no one ever imagined reading and we certainly never imagined writing. 

There are three ways you can join us for worship tomorrow – via our regular livestream, through Zoom, and through Facebook Live. Here are the details:
1. UBC Livestream
Just like every other Sunday, our livestream will be available through the UBC Website. Go to the following web address to join the worship service tomorrow morning at 11:00am: https://ubchm.org/listen-live/. This option is audio only.
2. Zoom Video Conferencing
In order to allow access for all our community who regularly attends worship at UBC and for those who may not but wish to join us and see the worship service live, we’ve made this option available as well. By clicking on the following link, you’ll be able to hear and witness worship even if you’re not sitting in your favorite spot in our sanctuary. Here’s the link: https://zoom.us/j/644408002
You shouldn’t need to do anything else to join. Simply make sure your speakers or volume are turned on so that you can hear. The video and sound should play through your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Should you have trouble with that link and accessing the video, you can search for our gathering by visiting https://zoom.us/join and entering the Meeting ID (644 408 002).
Should you have any trouble with the audio in Zoom, you can
A) dial +13126266799,,644408002# (one-tap link for smartphone users),
B) dial 1-312-626-6799 and, when prompted, enter 644408002# (try this if you’re without a smartphone), OR
C) join the UBC Livestream through our website, listed above.
3. Facebook Live
We’ll stream the service live on our Facebook page as well. You should be able to view the service here with or without having a Facebook account. Simply visit the following site to see our worship service tomorrow: https://www.facebook.com/ubchattiesburg/

Again, thank you for your flexibility and willingness to prioritize our collective health during this tense time. Please keep all in our community in your prayers including those individuals we know whom have contracted COVID-19 in Forrest County, their families, and the health professionals caring for them. We look forward to worshipping with you tomorrow from the comforts of our own homes and to once again being able to gather in community in person as soon as we’re able.

Email us if you have any questions!

You Belong,
Kat and Brett