Psalm 46:1-3
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble with its tumult.

Today, we give thanks to God in whom we put our trust now and always and we give thanks for this community who has shown time and time again how much we care for one another and how willing we are to bring joy and hope wherever we go.

It feels like each day is a little more different and unnerving than the one before. Even as we grieve the temporary loss of personal connection, navigate periods of isolation, and the economic troubles in the midst of our current situation, we trust that God is with us and that our community here is strong, caring, and resilient enough to come through this better on the other side. We give thanks for you and for everyone in our community who is doing their part (at home, at work, and everywhere) to help one another navigate each new day. We believe that the best way to overcome the fears we have is to overwhelm our community with love (even if from a distance).

There are lots of ways to share love with our community these days. Tomorrow, Kat will be attending a meeting with the two physicians leading our communities response to COVID-19 and area pastors. We’ll be sure to share any insights and ways we can care for one another (even from afar) that come out of this meeting with you.

Brett has also been in conversation with our partners at the Give and Take Kitchen Foundation and Thames Elementary about how we can be a resource for the children and families who receive meal bags from us each Friday now that the schools will be closed until at least April 17. As details develop or options come available for helping meet these needs, we’ll let you know.

Don’t forget that many area restaurants are offering curbside pickup and takeout options. Supporting local businesses in safe and healthy ways is another way we can love our neighbors too.

And please don’t forget all the ways you can connect with us and with our community during this time:

Sunday Morning Worship Online – We’ll gather every Sunday at 11am online. There are three ways to join worship. To read more about them and for a preview of Sunday’s service, click HERE. Also, remember that our labyrinth is open for your use if you’re in need of some fresh air (just don’t bring more than 9 people with you…)

Wednesday Evening Study Groups – Our study groups are still meeting throughout Lent. Whether you’ve joined one already or not, you’re more than welcome to hop in at anytime. We meet at 6:30pm via Zoom. To join on Wednesday evenings, click HERE.

In lieu of Coffee with a Pastor at various coffee shops around town, we’ll be having Virtual Coffee With a Pastor at 10am and 2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. More details on how to join to come!

You can also feel free to call us anytime or set up a phone appointment if you’d like to meet with either of us privately. Here are our numbers if you don’t have them: Brett – 601.498.9659, Kat – 704.466.44466.

Our Deacons will be meeting on Monday evening at 7:00pm via Zoom. We’ll be discussing more ways we can support those within and beyond our congregation during this time as we continue the business of the church as we try to keep as close to our schedule as possible.

To that end, we give thanks for:

Lewis Myrick and his efforts coordinating with our construction crew who are renovating our restrooms by the sanctuary as we speak. Who knows? By the time we’re back together in our building, this renovation might be complete!

Roger McDowell who recently power washed the walkways in the columbarium to keep us safe.

Our Crafters Group has been hard at work making some new banners for our sanctuary. We’ll be excited to see them when we return to the sanctuary together!

If there’s someone you’re thankful for in our community, call them, email them, or text them and let them know.

As always, you belong.

Brett and Kat