It’s been such a joy to worship with you on our front lawn each Sunday morning since mid September. As long as the weather holds out and it remains safe to gather outside and in-person (wearing masks of course!), we’ll continue to gather at 10:00am on Sunday mornings for an abbreviated worship service.

If you’re still not comfortable gathering for worship in person, our services remain online as well for you so you can stay connected to UBC from the comfort of your home.

Here are details on how to join us on Sundays:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel! We’ll continue to record services for you to enjoy every Sunday (or anytime you want to join!). Plus, you can share our beautiful worship services with others who might not know about UBC so they can see for themselves what so many of you have said about this place during our Week of Thankfulness.

For now, most of our Sunday School classes remain on Zoom. This format allows for groups larger than 10 to meet and allows an easy transition into online worship for those worshipping from home.


Here are some details on upcoming gatherings at UBC and how we’ll navigate our Advent and Christmas traditions differently this year because of COVID-19:

On Wednesday, November 25, we’re beginning our Advent Book Study of Cynthia Campbell’s The Four Homes of the Gospel via Zoom. Contact the office if you’d like to join us! Unfortunately, we still do not anticipate having our usual Wednesday night supper until we know it is safe to gather and eat together in large groups.

On Sunday, December 13, we’re combining our regular Celtic Service and our annual Blue Christmas Service of Healing into one service. We’ll record the service and share it with you on our YouTube Channel that evening at 5:30pm. Encourage anyone you know who could might enjoy a reflective time of prayer or might benefit from some healing words and prayers to join us online.

On Thursday, December 24 we’re planning a Socially Distant Christmas Eve Bonfire! Come gather with us safely on the front lawn where we’ll have a fire going, read the Christmas story from Luke’s gospel, and sing a few Christmas carols to ring in our savior’s birth. Bring your mask and a chair. We’ll get the fire going around 4:30pm and begin the service as it gets dark (between 5:00 and 5:30pm). Stay tuned for more details!

The Christmas Eve Bonfire will be our one in-person gathering for the week of Christmas. In the interest of everyone’s health and safety, and with so many of us wanting to spend time with our families safely this holiday season, we will only have a recorded service on Sunday, December 27th. Join us on YouTube!


The building remains open during business hours. We do ask that if you’re going to come by the church office that you please call ahead (601.264.6908). We’re working flex schedules and aren’t always available in person at the office right now. Also, as cases continue to rise around Mississippi, we want to be mindful of those who are inside the building on the chance we need to contact any individuals who may have had exposure to the virus so we can all stay safe and healthy.

Upon entering the building, all individuals are asked to show your southern hospitality and love your neighbor by wearing a mask and socially distancing while inside. We also ask that you limit your use of the building to your destination and restrooms. This will help minimize the cleaning needed for the building and help keep everyone as safe as possible.

We continue to enjoy filling this place with the sounds of worship and joining our voices in conversation, worship, and praise in the safest ways we can. We love you, UBC. Thank you for the ways you encourage us and one another and the ways you share God’s love in our community.

As always, you belong.

Brett and Kat