What a joy it’s been to gather safely on our lawn for worship most Sunday mornings this Fall after months of being apart and worshipping together virtually on Facebook and YouTube. We’ve masked up, kept our distance, and found we’ve been able to recreate our beautiful worship experience at UBC in new ways. It’s been good to be together, especially for those who’ve spent so much of the past year alone. Thanks to everyone for making it so easy and safe for us to gather for worship in the midst of the pandemic!
     As you may know, on Wednesday, December 2, the Mississippi Department of Health (MSDH) and State Health Officer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, released new guidelines encouraging Mississippians to limit their exposure to gatherings larger than one’s nuclear family. If you’ve not read this update, you can do so HERE. This has prompted questions about what these new guidelines mean for our outdoor worship services at UBC.
We are always looking for creative ways to be and to gather as the body of Christ, especially this year. After discussing the possibilities ahead of us with our Deacon co-chairs, Mike Ratliff and Dick Conville, we landed on the idea of having drive-in worship services. The thinking is families and individuals would be able to stay in their cars and we would collectively still be able to worship together. This is such a special time of year that we don’t want to miss out on the chance to be together as we await Christ’s birth. We also don’t want to risk anyone’s health and well-being. Dick spoke with an official at MSDH today who gave us the thumbs up to move forward with the idea.
     So, on Sunday, December 6, instead of gathering on the front lawn at UBC, we’ll gather in our back parking lot at 10:00am for our first Drive-In Worship Service in at 10:00am. Several families in our congregation have already been driving up and participating in our outdoor worship services from their vehicle. It has worked well for them and now, in an effort to do our part to mitigate the increasing spread of COVID-19 around Mississippi, we will all drive in, tune our radios, and worship from our cars.

Here are some details about how the service will work:

Please enter the parking lot from the west side by the memorial garden (Crestmont Ave) and proceed toward Kelley Hall.
– Worship will be led from outside Kelley Hall on the east side of the building (near 32nd Ave).
– We know there are many Back Row Baptists among us, but to make it easy for everyone please fill the spaces (as marked) nearest the building first to make it easier for others to find a space.
– Once parked, tune your radio to 87.7FM to hear the service. It’s possible that you also may be able to hear the service by rolling down your windows, but for the clearest sound, we encourage you to tune in through your radio.
– At the conclusion of the service, please exit the parking lot on the east side (32nd Ave.)

Some of you may be struck with memories of going to a drive-in movie. Others may be driving in for the very first time. Whatever the case may be, we hope that we’ll all find comfort in safely being able to gather, worship, and celebrate the coming of Christ into our lives. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.