In his book, The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard discusses 14 different spiritual disciplines that can lead us closer to God. Half of the disciplines are ones where we abstain from something and half are ones where we engage in a particular practice. During Lent we’ll be looking at how Jesus embodies, engages, and teaches about spiritual disciplines on Sunday mornings and reflecting on how the disciplines shape our own lives on Wednesday nights.

We’ve also put together THIS GUIDE for you to use throughout the Lenten season. In this guide, we look at one or two each day for the first week of Lent and offer you the chance to consider how these disciplines might begin to deepen your spiritual formation this Lenten season.

Notice we said “begin.”

One purpose behind the spiritual disciplines is to infuse our lives with consistent, regular practices that draw us nearer to God, not just for a season, but for our day-to-day lives in every season. We hope our guide’s broad introduction to the spiritual disciplines allows you the chance to discern which ones draw you closest to God (and to your neighbors) so you can pursue them more deeply, building up a habit of regular practice that carries you beyond Lent.

As always, you are invited to join us for worship (or you view our worship service online on YouTube on Sunday afternoons) Sunday mornings at10:30am. We will also be holding two contemplative Celtic Worship services during Lent. Join us for these times prayer, silence, and holy communion. A meal will follow these services on Sunday, March 13 and Sunday, April 10 at 5:30pm.

During Holy Week (April 11-15), we will have daily services Monday-Friday at 12:00pm. These services are brief and intended to accommodate those with limited lunch breaks from work. We’ll pray, sing, and share a meal together.

We hope this Lenten season is one that reconnects you to the source of life and leads you to transform the spiritual disciplines into habits that shaped your continuing spiritual formation.