UBC Kids

Godly Play at UBC

At 9:15am each Sunday, UBC opens its doors to children to come in and discover God’s love through the timeless stories of our faith. Godly Play is a discovery method of teaching which engages the whole child – hands, heart, mind, senses and intuition. As children gather in the storytelling circle, they have opportunity to enter the biblical story, wonder about it and then create meaning for their lives.

Godly Play allows children to work with materials that engage all the senses in a safe, stimulating environment. In this way, Godly Play combines and integrates the two primary gateways to knowing for young children – language (the verbal system) and play (the nonverbal system). Godly Play offers a child-accessible version of the ancient spiritual practice of lectio divina: holy reading, wondering and responding to the Bible’s sacred stories. Godly Play helps children know God and the Bible instead of simply knowing about God or about the Bible.

Each of our Godly Play teachers has received training and certification from the Godly Play Foundation. They are prepared to embark on a journey of faith discovery with your child. Come join us!


As we love and care for preschoolers, we provide many opportunities for children to learn, including Sunday School, Godly Play, Children’s Choir and Extended Session during worship services. In addition to these weekly activities, special events for preschoolers are held throughout the year, which create an atmosphere of fun and learning with friends.


As we welcome your children to the ministries of our church, we offer many opportunities for learning and fellowship. Through Sunday School, choir, mission projects, and worship experiences, your children will see the love of Jesus in action. Our children also enjoy many family-oriented special events throughout the year, which connect them with our community of faith.

Sunday School at UBC

