
“It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates God’s presence to humanity.” C.S. Lewis

Our worship strives to align with what we believe to be the character of God. We seek to explore our relationship to God in a variety of ways in worship – through prayer, song, liturgy, the Word, and the Table. We worship according to the instruction of Jesus, “God is spirit, and those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth,” (John 4:24). We ask big questions, we wrestle with the truth, and we hope to come out of it all transformed by the Holy Spirit moving in our midst.

We rely heavily upon lay leadership. Members participate each Sunday by leading litanies, prayers, and scripture readings. Children also help lead worship regularly, reading scripture, singing, and participating in our liturgy. Our pastor generally bases her sermons on scripture using a set of weekly readings called the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). The RCL covers most of the Biblical narrative in a three-year rotation. Each summer we depart from the lectionary for different sermon series.

We follow the liturgical calendar and observe the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter as well as holy days like Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Pentecost, and World Communion Sunday. Special emphases, worship aids, colors, and banners highlight each season or Holy day.

In-Person & Virtual Worship

We understand visiting a church may be intimidating, or that you may have difficulty joining us in person. Our services are published and archived on our Youtube channel each week at the conclusion of worship. Take part in our worship online, but be sure to say hello to us so we know you are with us in spirit.