First Sunday Fellowship has made a return! Please plan to come by Kelley Hall at 9:30 on the first Sunday of every month. Donuts, coffee, and fantastic conversation awaits!

Back Door Coffeehouse opens its doors Friday, March 7, at 7:30 pm. Join us in welcoming Ralph Nix and the Catfish Gospel and featured poet Sharon Gerald. Don’t be late for this evening of fellowship, entertainment and fun!

This month’s business meeting will be Wednesday, March 19, following our covered dish supper. Please mark your calendars to attend as we discuss the proposed 2014-2015 church budget.

Primetimers, mark your calendars for March 18, at 11:30 am.

Hope House: UBC children will be serving the homeless at Hope House along with Ekklesia on March 29, at 9:00 am. If you are willing to help cook or supply breakfast food for that morning, please see Caroline. Everyone is welcome to join us!