Please note the following meetings for June:
♦ MAP Council will meet at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, June 4.
♦ Our monthly business meeting will be on Wednesday, June 18, at 6:30. Join us as we welcome Tricia Walker to Back Door on Friday, June 6. The performance begins at 7:30 pm. Suggested donation is $10 and nursery care is provided. Tricia will be available after the show to sign her CDs.

PrimeTime is Tuesday, June 17! Join us for lunch and enjoy Bettye Kings’s decorative birdhouses and Dr. Larry Smith as he presents a slide program on “Birds.” Dr. Smith is an avid birder and will share with us the beauty of our feathered friends. Make your reservations with the committee member responsible for calling you before Friday, June 30.

Passport — Please be in prayer for our youth as we travel to Queen’s College in Charlotte, NC, June 15-20 for Passport camp. Our last Passport experience focused on mission; this particular version, PassportChoices, does not include a service component, instead emphasizing group activities and interaction. Campers are given options for how to spend their days, with an array of opportunities for fun and learning that cater to individual interests and strengths with the aim of fostering vocational identity. My hope is for the guys to be exposed to new possibilities and challenges for integrating their faith into their life passions. This will be my final summer with this great group of youth, so here’s to a week of fellowship, adventure, and wonderful memories that will last a lifetime! — Cade