My sister, Ann, is my “go-to-person” when I need a good book that borders on a “chick flick” story, and her last recommendation of The Glass Kitchen by Linda Francis Lee is just that! It is a story filled with love of family, friendship, loss and food. The story starts in Texas and travels to the upper west side of New York City. It is a wonderful book and a copy is being placed in our Church Library.

Reading about the foods that are prepared in this book made me think about how our own Kitchen Committee works here at UBC. This committee runs like a fine-tuned engine.

Our starter is Sherry Laughlin. She gets the call that a meal needs to be prepared and served. Immediately she plans a fine menu which she then emails to the members and within a few hours all the foods have been assigned to members and the cooking begins. When the day of the meal arrives, the delicious foods are served on beautiful tables decorated with flowers. It is always well planned and greatly appreciated. We have the best cooks here at UBC. Proof of that statement can be found in the cook- book, Cooking with Patience that the ladies of the Patience Class published. (Remember the funds from the sales of the cookbooks go to support the needs of the kitchen.) Read, Cook, Eat, Enjoy!

Submitted by Billie Hogan