Living with Loss While Others are Celebrating

A few weeks ago Peg Hightower recommended a book to me about grief for our library. At that time Peg did not know Marcus and I had lost two of our sons, but she had experienced deep grief herself. The book, A Decembered Grief, by Harold Ivan Smith is now in our church library. It is an excellent book for many reasons. It is designed to guide you as you grieve the loss of a loved one. The sections are short for when you cannot handle reading for long periods of time. As you read you can tell the author has experienced personal grief and has great compassion for the reader who is trying to make it through Christmas. This is a book you can reread over many years. It is also the perfect book to share with someone who has lost a loved one. I am thankful to have this book to help me through the holidays. Thanks, Peg.